136 research outputs found

    The game colouring number of powers of forests

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    We prove that the game colouring number of the mm-th power of a forest of maximum degree Δ≥3\Delta\ge3 is bounded from above by (Δ−1)m−1Δ−2+2m+1,\frac{(\Delta-1)^m-1}{\Delta-2}+2^m+1, which improves the best known bound by an asymptotic factor of 2

    On the Complexity of Digraph Colourings and Vertex Arboricity

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    It has been shown by Bokal et al. that deciding 2-colourability of digraphs is an NP-complete problem. This result was later on extended by Feder et al. to prove that deciding whether a digraph has a circular pp-colouring is NP-complete for all rational p>1p>1. In this paper, we consider the complexity of corresponding decision problems for related notions of fractional colourings for digraphs and graphs, including the star dichromatic number, the fractional dichromatic number and the circular vertex arboricity. We prove the following results: Deciding if the star dichromatic number of a digraph is at most pp is NP-complete for every rational p>1p>1. Deciding if the fractional dichromatic number of a digraph is at most pp is NP-complete for every p>1,p≠2p>1, p \neq 2. Deciding if the circular vertex arboricity of a graph is at most pp is NP-complete for every rational p>1p>1. To show these results, different techniques are required in each case. In order to prove the first result, we relate the star dichromatic number to a new notion of homomorphisms between digraphs, called circular homomorphisms, which might be of independent interest. We provide a classification of the computational complexities of the corresponding homomorphism colouring problems similar to the one derived by Feder et al. for acyclic homomorphisms.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    On the Combinatorics of Galois Numbers

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    We define interval decompositions of the lattice of subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space. We show that such a decomposition exists if and only if there exists a family of linear forms with certain properties. As applications we prove that all finite-dimensional real vector spaces admit an interval decomposition, while GF (2) n has an interval decomposition if and only if n ≤ 4. On the other hand, we present an interval decomposition of GF (3) 5. This partially answers a question of Faigle [4, 1]

    Positroids are 3-colorable

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    We show that every positroid of rank r≥3r \geq 3 has a positive coline. Using the definition of the chromatic number of oriented matroid introduced by J.\ Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il, R.\ Nickel, and W.~Hochst\"{a}ttler, this shows that every orientation of a positroid is 3-colorable

    Complete Acyclic Colorings

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    We study two parameters that arise from the dichromatic number and the vertex-arboricity in the same way that the achromatic number comes from the chromatic number. The adichromatic number of a digraph is the largest number of colors its vertices can be colored with such that every color induces an acyclic subdigraph but merging any two colors yields a monochromatic directed cycle. Similarly, the a-vertex arboricity of an undirected graph is the largest number of colors that can be used such that every color induces a forest but merging any two yields a monochromatic cycle. We study the relation between these parameters and their behavior with respect to other classical parameters such as degeneracy and most importantly feedback vertex sets.Comment: 17 pages, no figure
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